Ahhh, Autumn
The leaves are turning again, and I’m loving every minute of it. Autumn is definitely my favorite time of year. I love the colors and the smells, and I especially love the pumpkin spice! Wrap me in a big afghan, light a fire, and hand me a pumpkin spice chai and a good book, and I’ll be happy.
Writing News
Of course, revealing the cover for the first mystery in my series also makes me very happy! So, now, without further ado, here it is! Let me know what you think.
I got my editor’s notes back for the first round of edits, and she is very excited about the story. So much, in fact, that she gave me a lot more notes than she normally does. So, I’m working feverishly on revisions. I can’t wait to get the feedback from those of you in my ARC. I’m shooting for next October for the release, but of course my ARC will receive copies long before that. 😊
Live magazine requested to reprint one of my stories, and I made it to the second round of NYC Midnight Flash Fiction Challenge, but my story was disqualified because it didn’t take place in the location I was given. 🙄But the judges all liked the story, so I’ll be reworking it and sending it out again.
I have quite a few stories out to contests and magazines, which feels great! And in August, I had a book Signing at our local book store, Book & Game Co., for my Devotional, Promise of the Day Devotional for Victorious Living. It’s always fun to get out and meet readers.
I am also happy to announce that I have fulfilled a lifelong dream of becoming an official member of Mystery Writers of America!🎉
Personal News
September was a whirlwind for me. Unfortunately, most of that was medical. After a full set of scans, I remain cancer-free, which is a huge praise. But I have been having shoulder issues and have learned that I somehow did major damage which will require surgery. Luckily, it’s my left shoulder, so it won’t be terribly inconvenient. Scans also revealed an issue that has affected my hearing and balance for the last couple years, and wouldn’t you know, I get to have surgery on my ears as well. 🙄 Hopefully, I’ll be able to get it all taken care of by the end of the year.
Remodeling progresses in the Olmstead home. Bathrooms have been put on hold, while we do the family room, which I’m so excited for. Guess what color it will be? Pumpkin Spice! I know, I know, it sounds bold, but it’s a good Craftsman color, and I can’t wait! More pictures to come.
The biggest news of September was that my baby girl got her driver’s license. And now, she has a job! This has been rather traumatic for me. I really have to focus to get my writing done when she’s gone, because I’m so used to writing with her, side-by-side. On the other hand, she has decided on a college near Seattle, WA, to get her MFA. It is a low residency program, and guess who’ll be going with her? Me! I’ve always dreamed of getting my MFA, and Gracie was excited to have me tag along. No, really. She’s not your average teen. We’ll be studying in separate fields, so we won’t be in the same classes, but we’ll get to bunk together. It will be a great time.
We didn’t do a garden this year because it was a Shemitah (Sabbath) year. But with all of the health stuff, it worked out for the best. I haven’t been able to do anything in the yard or garden. But we put up plenty the year before, so all is well.
Bunny News
We only had one successful pregnancy with our rabbits, this year, but the babies have been weened, now, and they look fantastic! The judges loved them at the show we did last weekend, and one of our bucks took Best of Breed in both shows! At the end of the month, we all go to Reno, NV for the National Rabbit and Cavy (guinea pig) Convention. The babies will compete, as will a Sr. buck and doe. Gracie will also be competing in the Rabbitry Royalty Youth Competition, and I have entered some bunny crochet. It will be a great vacation.
Well, that’s the latest, folks. I hope you are enjoying the cooler temperatures and the beautiful colors—and the pumpkin spice! Now, for a little crochet. 😊
Until next time, happy reading,