How Many Galleys Does it Take to Get to the Printer?

I’ve been told that it takes the average author three galleys (review copies) of a manuscript to get it ready to go to press…

I am not the average author.

Fifteen…fifteen galleys…that was the magic number…fifteen…

I’m telling you, technology is out to get me! Every time I made corrections, the computer program my publisher used made all new formatting mistakes! Apparently, no one told the program that I am a busy homeschool and 4-H mom with a garden full of veggies that need to be put up for the winter!

It’s a good thing Loved So Much, It Hurts is such a good book. I’m not bragging, I don’t even take credit for it, it was all God, and I was blessed in a new way each time I read it, but fifteen…


This is the view out my studio window, but I have been a good girl and kept my nose to the grindstone.

The good news is I finally signed off on the book, and we are going to press! Hooray! Just in time for Christmas sales!

In between galley reviews I did get a couple of hats crocheted,

and some garden harvest put up,

including 70 quarts of grape juice,

and finally put the garden to bed (This is the view from my bedroom window).

We even did a little sightseeing.

Now I’ve got a launch party to plan, and a lot to learn about marketing. I’m so excited for the next leg of this journey. I guess I’m going to have to add an event calendar to the blog to keep you all apprised of speaking engagements and book signings. And just so you know, my publisher raised the price of the book, but you still have a few weeks to get it at the current price by pre-ordering now.

So, lots of work ahead, but for now, I’m going to relax and enjoy reaching another goal…and kick around a couple story ideas…

Until next time, Happy Reading!

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