Rebecca Olmstead lives with her husband and youngest of five children in southeastern Washington state. She loves creating memorable characters and experiences for readers and inspiring them to think outside the box.
Rebecca writes in multiple genres including inspirational, mystery, short story, and essay. She has been published in Live magazine, Focus on the Family’s Clubhouse, Jr., Upper Room, Houseboat magazine, and on her ministry website, www.WatchGodWork.com.
When she’s not writing, Rebecca enjoys teaching, gardening, crocheting & needle crafts, sewing, camping with her family, and hiking mountain trails in search of waterfalls. Don’t miss her photo gallery for her latest projects and adventures!
Loved So Much It Hurts: Purpose in the Pain
Loved So Much It Hurts: Purpose in the Pain
1st Place, “A Deadly Conundrum”
2017 Cascade Award Finalist
Unpublished Short Story, “Not My Son”
2016 Cascade Award
Unpublished Short Story, “To Fly”
2015 Cascade Award Finalist
Published Article, “They’re Watching”
2015 The Writer Short Story Contest Finalist
Short Story, “To Fly”
2015 PNWA Literary Competition Finalist
Short Story, “Christopher Pierce”
2014 Cascade Award
Unpublished Memoir, Watch God Work (Loved So Much, It Hurts)
2011 PNWA Literary Competition
1st Place for Short Story, “The Uninvited Guest”